Metropolitans Seraphim of Kythera and Kosmas of Aetolia and Acarnania are being accused of indiscipline and lack of respect for the unanimous decision of the collective body of the Church of Greece.
The Standing Holy Synod of Greece decided to ask the synodal committee for dogmatic and canonical issues, to open a “file” on the cases of the two hierarchs, and to propose to the Synod the next steps that may reach the suspension from their duties.
The Archbishop and the Synodal Hierarchs expressed their regret for the refusal of the two Metropolitans to comply with the decisions of the Church of Greece, not realizing the criticality of the difficult decisions of the Holy Synod for the public health and the protection of human life.
It should be recalled that the two Metropolitans had reacted to the decision of the Standing Holy Synod for the celebration of the Resurrection at 9 instead of 12.00, and in general for their attitude regarding the respect of human life in the midst of the pandemic.