Greek government spokesman Stelios Petsas spoke on SKAI television this morning.
“It is possible to celebrate Easter away from churches,” spokesman Petsas said, and when asked whether a general restriction on movements such as Italy and Spain will be implemented, stressed that “we will do whatever it takes to counter the spread of coronavirus.”
“There is an increase in cases, a percentage of people will be severe cases, we need to make sure that the health system survives,” he said, adding:
“We are ready to extend the measures. If specialists tell us to repeal them we will do it,” he said. “It’s risky to say what we’re going to do in 3 to 4 weeks.”
The government spokesman stressed that the prime minister was clear in his message that it is our responsibility to stand up to the circumstances, as public health is above all.
The Standing Holy Synod’s decision, he explained, was in a very positive direction, but there was a blurry, tricky issue, regarding the Divine Liturgies on Sunday. The government wants clear solutions. “We don’t want greay areas, we want clear solutions.” “To believe, to have a faith is one thing, but it is different to put ourselves and our fellow humans at risk when squeezed into a place.”