Archbishop Makarios of Australia awarded Metropolitan Stephanos of Tallinn and All Estonia the highest distinction of the Archdiocese of Australia, the Golden Cross of St. Andrew the Apostle with the Star.
The award ceremony took place on Sunday, September 29, after the Archieratical Divine Liturgy which was presided over by Metropolitan Stephanos and was concelebrated by Archbishop Makarios and Bishop Alexandros of Pärnu and Saare
The Archbishop of Australia praised the personality of Metropolitan Stephanos while noting that he was a distinct figure in the Orthodox Church, who was highly educated and had administrative experience. The Archbishop referred to the excellent cooperation they had in the past.
The Metropolitan of Estonia thanked the new Archbishop and welcomed the decision of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to elect Makarios as the shepherd of the Archdiocese of Australia. The Metropolitan also thanked the Archbishop for this distinction and for his contribution to the Church of Estonia.
Afterwards, a festive reception was held.
SOURCE: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia