Metropolitan Leonid of Klin submitted a report to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia outlining the reasons that prevent him from fulfilling his duties as Patriarchal Exarch of Africa, on October 11, 2023.
The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church decided to remove Metropolitan Leonid from this position. They expressed gratitude for his work and informed him that he would temporaryly remain in post in the Yerevan-Armenian Diocese.
Bishop Constantine of Zaraysk was appointed as Patriarchal Exarch of Africa replacing him.
It is recalled that Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria had sent a letter to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow in which he insisted in a very strict tone that if he would not withdraw the “Exarch” Metropolitan Klin from Africa and would not lift his relevant appointment, he would proceed to his deposition.
In his letter, Patriarch Theodore pointed out once again the non-canonical in every sense of Orthodox Ecclesiology, decision of the Holy Synod of the Church of Russia, regarding the establishment of an “Exarchate” in the canonical territory of the Patriarchate of Alexandria.
The Patriarch of Alexandria clarified that we “tolerate” the non-existent creation of an “Exarchate”, awaiting the revocation of the decision, without imposing an ecclesiastical ransom on Metropolitan Klin.
Therefore, the Standing Holy Synod of the Church of Greece had made known the removal of the Metropolitan.
However, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church had declared the decision of the Patriarchate of Alexandria to remove Metropolitan Leonid of Klin as non-canonical and, therefore, invalid.
Translation: Konstantinos Menyktas