On June 16, 2021, when the Church celebrates the Holy Martyr Lucillian Bishop Jovan of Sumadija served the Divine Liturgy at the monastery of St. George in Celije near Lajkovac.
The Bishop was concelebrated by the abbot of Pinosava Monastery Archimandrite Petar, abbot of Celije Monastery Dositej of Chilandar, guests from the Valjevo Diocese protopresbyter-staurophor Tomislav Cvetinovic and protonamesnik Zoran Markovic, Diocesan Deputy of Kolubara, Posavina protopresbyter-staurophor Zlatko Dimitrijevc, protopresbyter-staurophor MIroslav Filipovic, hieromonk Serafim from the Tresije Monastery, protonamesnik Bojan Colovic, protodeacon Ivan Gasic, and deacon Nikola Urosevic.
Theology students from Celije and Petka sang responses.
The liturgy was attended by the abbess Evgenija from the Klisura monastery, where Bishop Jovan was once baptized, and the abbess Anastasia from the Divostina monastery of Divostina.
The Liturgy was also attended by representatives of the Serbian Armed Forces, Colonel Zvonko Maric, retired Colonel Borisav Grozdic, and Lieutenant Colonel Momcilo Mladenovic.
Source: Serbian Orthodox Church