On Friday evening, Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit, Fr. Gregory Hohnholt, clergy, presbyteras, parish council members, and consecration committee members gathered for a meal before the Consecration events began at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Indianapolis.
In addressing those present Archbishop Elpidophoros commented, “As your Archbishop, it is my distinct privilege and pleasure to join you for this weekend of joyous ceremony and fellowship. We shall all witness the ancient rites of our Church that establish this House of the Lord as an everlasting temple of His Holy Glory.
Each of us has a part to play, and many of you have already fulfilled many roles that are bringing to the Holy Trinity Cathedral the unique and profound experience to come.
Your thoughtfulness in this regard is not going unnoticed. I pray that these next days are filled with all the joy and spiritual satisfaction for you and your families.
You have clearly accomplished much in the past, and your future looks to accomplish much more because you are established upon the firmest Foundation of all – Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone.
May you always experience His Heavenly benediction, and the grace of this Consecration – from this day forward, and unto the ages of ages. Amen!”
Read below the message of Archbishop Elpidophoros America
Let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.
May Christ our True God, Who fed the Five Thousand and the Four Thousand in the desert places, bless the food and the drink of His servants; increase them in this Cathedral, named for and dedicated to the Most Holy Trinity, and replenish this nourishment to the magnitude of the Twelve and Seven Baskets full: For He is Holy, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.
Your Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas, Dear Brother in Christ,
Beloved Clergy of Holy Trinity Cathedral and
Visiting Clergy and Presvyteres,
Members of the Parish Council and Consecration Committee,
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I look around this room, and I see faces filled with expectation and excitement. And you certainly merit both, for you have all labored with intensity and devotion to come to this very special moment.
Preparing for a Consecration is not an easy thing, and requires a large investment of time, talent, and treasure. All of you are to be congratulated and thanked, because you have contributed mightily to this once-in-a-lifetime experience and I know that your fellow-parishioners will be delighted and spiritually moved by the magnificent journey upon which we are about to embark.
As your Archbishop, it is my distinct privilege and pleasure to join you for this weekend of joyous ceremony and fellowship. We shall all witness the ancient rites of our Church that establish this House of the Lord as an everlasting temple of His Holy Glory.
Each of us has a part to play, and many of you have already fulfilled many roles that are bringing to the Holy Trinity Cathedral the unique and profound experience to come. Your thoughtfulness in this regard is not going unnoticed.
I pray that these next days are filled with all the joy and spiritual satisfaction for you and your families. You have clearly accomplished much
in the past, and your future looks to accomplish much more, because you are established upon the firmest Foundation of all – Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone.
May you always experience His Heavenly benediction, and the grace of this Consecration – from this day forward, and unto the ages of ages. Amen!
Τοῦτον τὸν Οἶκον στερέωσον, Κύριε!
The Lord indeed will make firm this House of His Holy Glory!
You may watch the Services at:
Sunday, October 8, 2023
8:15 AM Orthros, Consecration & Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
To learn more about our Holy Consecration, visit https://htcindy.org/consecration
Photos: Sheri Seat
Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America