In the Parish of Saint Irene Chrysovalantou in Tanzania, a teacher, Jovin Balyabileba, was interested in Orthodoxy.
Eventually, Orthodoxy won him over.
Last year he expressed his admiration for the Orthodox Church, which deemed as “the true Church of the Apostles” and said that he wanted to become Orthodox. Fr. Stefanos performed the catechism and Jovin became Orthodox.
On the Feast of Saint Irene Chrysovalantou, on July 28, when the Parish was celebrating the Feast, he came, he received the Holy Communion and spoke about the immense joy he was feeling. He asked to learn Greek and study Theology.
Catechumens from two missionary communities attended the service.
During the Divine Liturgy, Bishop Chrysostomos spoke about the life of the Saint, which is “an example of love for Christ the Savior.” Following the Divine Liturgy, he met the children of the Parish and the young people who set some goals, like to gather once a week to study the Holy Bible, to cultivate the fields of the Temple and to bring electricity to the Temple.