With the blessing of Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria and All Africa and Metropolitan Meletios of Katanga, last Saturday, January 8, the sacrament of baptism was performed to 346 Christians of various ages, at the Church of St. George, in the city of Kolwezi in southern Congo.
The sacrament was performed by the priests of the Holy Temple of St. George, but also by the priests of the surrounding parishes, who prepared Christians throughout the previous period, to come on that day to the sacrament of baptism and to be spiritually reborn.
“During the sacrament, we all felt the spiritual joy,” says the relevant announcement of the Holy Metropolis of Katanga and points out: “We saw in the faces of our newly enlightened brothers the miracle. We realized that the Light that came out of the eyes of these people would never go out. It would follow them into eternity. The afflicted land of Africa may have been deprived for centuries of this great gift, the “Light” of Christ, but the time has come and it has shone. It shone so that these people could understand that this great sacrament of baptism, gave them the opportunity to know the truth, which will show them the way of eternal life.