The Holy Metropolis of Stagoi and Meteora takes a pilgrimage trip these days to Russia.
The excursion is headed by Metropolitan Theoklitos of Stagoi and Meteora.
Visits were made to the Holy Churches and Monasteries of Russia for the faithful to pay their respects to holy relics and icons, such as Our Lady of Kazan, Xenia of St. Petersburg, Fool-for-Christ, etc.
Excursions also took place in the area of Saint Alexander Svirsky, where his holy relic remains incorruptible, as well as at the Saint Seraphim-Diveyevo Monastery, and the ancient capital of Russia, Veliky Novgorod, where the oldest Church of Russia dedicated to God’s Wisdom, the Cathedral of St. Sophia, is preserved in the Kremlin, and someone can find the miraculous icon of Our Lady of the Sign.