Today is the Sunday of the Holy Cross, and the Gospel where Apostle Mark talks about the Cross. The Cross has become such an important symbol for us because Christ was incarnated, He took human form and came and lived among us.
He gave His life for us, so that we, that is, all of humanity, could find our way back to Him, back to God. The Cross is what connects earth to heaven. The Cross connects this world to the Kingdom of God.
From a symbol of disgrace and criminality, the Cross represents light and salvation. And when we see the Cross, when we come face-to-face with the trial, the scourging, and the Crucifixion of Christ, we do not focus on the darkness or the pain, but we look toward what comes next, we look towards the Resurrection.
From the Cross, the light and the joy of the Lord comes to direct our lives.
→ Read today’s Sunday Sermon Series from the Department of Religious Education: