The Pan-Orthodox Conference of Authorized Orthodox Churches and Sacred Metropolises on matters of Heresies and Para-religion will take place in Zoga Elliniko Argos, by decision of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece and under the auspices of Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and all Greece.
The Conference will preoccupy itself with the topic “Aspects of the mystery of iniquity. Αnti-Trinitarian – Occult – Neopagan beliefs about God.”
Representatives of the Orthodox Autocephalous Churches and representatives of the Metropolises of the Churches of Greece, Crete and the Dodecanese will participate in the Conference.
These Conferences are organized by the Church of Greece and are concerned with the study of the pastoral treatment of the contemporary diverse delusion.
The first day, according to the Schedule, the Agiasmos service will be held, the messages of the Primates of the Orthodox Church will be read, and the first Discourse will follow.