Measures to “curb the spread of coronavirus in our homeland” were announced today by the Metropolis of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki.
Following on from an encyclical issued on February 27, which urges believers to follow “all health and safety guidelines, as they are shown,” and further provides guidance on observing or abstaining from fasting by patients, the Metropolis announces some extraordinary measures concerning the reduction of liturgies.
Specifically, no Sunday Vespers and no Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be held in March. In addition, as stated in the announcement, daily liturgies are recommended to be curtailed or even performed by priests on their own, while as regards the Rejoicings (Chairetismoi) it is suggested: “either not to be performed or performed in small chapels or at the discretion of the priests”.
Only the Sunday Divine Liturgies the March 25 Anniversary Divine Liturgy will be performed, but – as the announcement makes clear – all of this “does not imply any fear of Holy Communion but protects the faithful from the coronavirus disease due to mass gathering.”