“One who does not follow the path of Jesus Christ cannot express his or her opinion on Christ and the Church,” stressed Metropolitan Theoklitos of Ierissos at the Church of the Prophet Elias and New Martyrs in Tripoli.
“The Holy Communion is the most important sacrament of the Church. We will not put theology in a box to please the powerful worldwide. We cannot win them all anyway,” he added.
The Metropolitan of Ierissos commented on the public stance taken by some infectious disease specialists on the matter of Holy Communion. In particular, he pointed out, “Some MEPs and infectious disease specialists are telling us what Holy Communion means. Only the Church is responsible for such matters and not the unfaithful.”
“We do not allow any of them to define the Church. Let every man mind his own business. Otherwise, I think it would be better if they moved to Brussels. They could do really good work there – contrary to what they have been doing in Greece,” he concluded.