The Church commemorates today Martyr Polyeuctus of Melitene and Saint Eustratius the Wonderworker.
Saint Eustratius lived in the 9th century AD and came from the city of Tarsus, Bithynia. His parents were kind and wealthy and took care to raise him with the ideals of Christianity. When he was twenty years old, he went to Abgar monastery (on Olympos in Asia Minor), where his uncles were monks. There he lived a strict ascetic life, fasting and praying every day. Saint Eustratius served and assisted everyone with a willing heart and humble mind.
The Fathers of the Monastery saw, through the Holy Spirit, that Saint Efstratius led a virtuous life with rich gifts and humility. Then, after the death of the abbot, he was chosen as igumen of the monastery.
The Saint foretold, by the Grace of God, his death. Shortly before his passing, he called the monks and said to them: “Brethren, the time of my life on earth has come to an end. Keep the legacy you received because the things of this life are temporary and vain, while those of the future life are incorruptible and eternal.” As soon as he finished his words, he blessed them and made the sign of the cross on the forehead. Then, looking up to heaven, he said, “Lord, into Your hands, I commit my spirit.”
Source: Church of Cyprus