Τhe Ecumenical Patriarch held meetings with:
- Archim. Dionysios Tzitzos, Protosyncellus of the Holy Metropolis of the Princes’ Islands, who paid his respects and asked for the Holy Patriarchal wish and blessing on the occasion of his nameday.
- Archim. Charalambos Nichev, Hierarchical Head of the Bulgarian Community of Constantinople, who paid his respects and asked for the Holy Patriarchal wish and blessing on the occasion of his upcoming name day and presented the Ecumenical Patriarch with his recently published master’s thesis. He also presented the Ecumenical Patriarch with the newly published annual calendar in the Bulgarian language, which he edited for the needs of the Community and is dedicated to the Ecumenical Patriarch for the completion of his thirty years of Patriarchal ministry.
- Syncellus Anthimos Iliadis, clergyman of the Diocese of Derkoi.
- Presbyter Sergio Vlad, Head of the Church of St. Paraskevi in Pikridi and head of the Romanian Community in Constantinople, along with his wife Andreaa and their newborn child, to whom the Ecumenical Patriarch gave his blessing and paternal wish.
- Presbyter Athanasios Mamasis, clergyman of the Holy Archdiocese of Constantinople.
- Presbyter Antonios Karatzikos, with his son Presbyter Porphyrios, clergymen of the Holy Metropolis of Derkoi.
- Despina Balkiza, Consul General of Greece in Smyrna.
- Fatma Kaplan Hürriyet, Mayor of Nicomedia Bithynia (Izmit), along with her associates.
- Tamar Karasu, Director of the Bible Society in Turkey.
- Nikolaos Laimopoulos, Professor, along with his wife, Daphne, from Imbros.
- Şeref Umut, President of the ZEREV Foundation – Zihinsel Engelliler Rehabilitasyon Ve Eğitim Vakfı, together with members of the Board.
Source: fanarion.blogspot.com