According to the Joint Ministerial Decision of the Ministers of Education and Religious Affairs, and Health, which is expected to be announced today, it is allowed to hold any kind of religious service or religious ceremony (including weddings and baptisms) with the participation of believers in all places of worship of all religious communities.
The maximum number of people allowed is determined by the ratio of one person per 10 sq.m. (eg in a place of worship of 300 sq.m. the maximum allowed number of people is 30) and they must maintain a distance of 1.5 meters between them. For the places of worship that are over 500 sq.m. the maximum number is 50. The measures of public health protection that must be observed are detailed in the JMD (eg recommendation for the use of a mask, mandatory use of antiseptic for hand hygiene, frequent cleaning of surfaces, etc.).
Additional recommendations and measures for the protection of public health that meet specific needs and characteristics of the individual religious communities (eg how to enter places of worship where wearing shoes is not allowed, etc.) have been incorporated.
It is also clarified that in the case of performing services or religious ceremonies in open spaces, the general rules on public outdoor gatherings apply. The validity of the JMD is from May 17 to June 5.