By Saint Silouan the Athonite
The Lord loves us very much. This is what taught me the Holy Spirit, given to me by God in His great mercy.
I got older and I am preparing for my death. Now I am speaking the truth out of pure love for people.
The Holy Spirit, whom the Lord has given me, wants everyone to be saved, manifested as God the Father.
I was worse than a dirty dog because of my sins. However, when I started to beg for forgiveness from God, He gave me not only forgiveness, but also the Holy Spirit. So, in the Holy Spirit, I met God.
Do you feel God’s love for us? Who could describe His compassion?
My brothers, I fall on my knees and I implore you to believe in God, to believe that there is the Holy Spirit that reveals the presence of God not only in all our churches, but also in my soul.
The Holy Spirit is love. And this love is overwhelming in all the souls of heavenly saints.
The Holy Spirit is in the earth, in the souls of those who love God. In the Holy Spirit, the heavens see the earth, hear our prayers and carry them to God.
We live on earth and we do not see God, we can not see Him. But as the Holy Spirit comes into the soul, then we will see God, as Saint Stephen did .
The soul and the mind immediately recognize the Holy Spirit, manifested as God the Father.
Saint Simeon Theodochos, with the Holy Spirit, who first recognized the infant Jesus as “the Lord’s Christ” (Luke 2: 25-32).
Saint John the Baptist, with the Holy Spirit, also acknowledged the Lord and revealed Him to the people.
In heaven and on earth, we can only recognize God only through the Holy Spirit, not science.
Even the young people who have not studied in the university, they have the Lord in their heart with the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit no one can recognize God and how much He loves us.
Even though we read the books telling us that He loved us and suffered, because He love us, we use only our mind to think about those things, instead of using our heart in order to grasp His immense love.
As He taught us, when we feel His love with clarity, we become in the image and likeness of God.