A milestone was reached on the 21st of November 2022 for the large and dynamic Greek community in the Sydney suburb of Kingsford. And this, because with the grace of our Virgin Mary on the actual feast day of the Presentation of the Theotokos to the Temple, and with the blessing of Archbishop Makarios of Australia, a historic decision was taken by the former Community of St Spyridon – to fully enter the spiritual and administrative jurisdiction of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia, converting it into a Parish.
The decision was taken in accordance with the procedures provided for in the Constitution after an Extraordinary General Meeting took place on Monday evening, the 21st of November. At the end of the General Meeting, a vote was held through which its members, with an 85% majority, approved the change in the Constitution and the conversion of the Community into a Parish of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia.
Clearly moved by the outcome were St Spyridon Parish Priest, Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Throne, Father Steven Scoutas, and President of the Parish-Community, Mr. Elia Economou, who played a decisive role in this auspicious and promising development for the Greek people of Kingsford and, more broadly, for Hellenism in Australia.
In attendance at the EGM proceedings was the Chancellor of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia, the Archimandrite Christophoros Krikelis, who represented Archbishop Makarios and conveyed to all who were present, the paternal blessing and best wishes of their Shepherd.
Parish Priest, Fr Steven Scoutas; Rector Fr Irenaeus Triantis; Parish President, Mr. Elia Economou; and members Mr. Peter Souleles, Mr. John Georgopoulos, Mr. Alexander Nicolaou-Yules, and Mrs. Sue Mayson visited Archbishop Makarios in his office on Tuesday, 22nd of November, in order to officially announce to him the result of the vote and to convey the joy of the vast majority of the Community members for the changes.
Visibly moved, the Archbishop blessed and thanked them, stating the following: “With the changes, you have made, you are showing respect to the new generation. We are securing the future of our children, far from the mistakes of the past. I do not want to have fights, divisions, and discords with the elections that take place from time to time. It is not appropriate for people who do not know what the Church is and who do not believe in God to take up administrative positions in the Church. With the decisions you have taken, you have given our children the greatest gift. From now on, we will only have progress and peace. Glory to God. As for St Spyridon College, I want to emphasize that it will continue its operation under the same conditions and with the non-negotiable position that it will remain Greek and Orthodox.”
Finally, it is noted that the Archbishop of Australia reserved a surprise for the delegation of St Spyridon. He informed the members that on Christmas Day, he will celebrate the divine Liturgy at St Spyridon in order to express, on this important day of “peace on earth”, his thanks to all the parishioners for the respect and trust they have shown both to the Holy Archdiocese as well as to their Shepherd himself.