Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew was represented by Elder Metropolitan Emmanuel of Chalcedon, Co-President of the International Organization “Religions for Peace”, at the 2nd “Tokyo Peace Roundtable” Conference, held in Japan from 18 to 21 February 2024.
The religious leaders and representatives of different religions, religious communities and organizations from 15 countries, who participated in this important International Meeting, sent a strong message to the leaders of the world and to every person of goodwill for the immediate end of the ongoing wars and all forms of conflict and violence, pointing out the common responsibility to resolve disputes by peaceful means, which preserve and respect the sanctity of life and human dignity, especially of our most vulnerable fellow human beings. In their joint Declaration, issued after the conclusion of the Conference, which aimed at the joint study of the various crises in the world and especially the war in Ukraine after the merciless invasion of Russia, as well as the critical situation in the Middle East, the participants stressed the importance of interreligious dialogue and cooperation for the promotion and prevalence of peace, for the building of trust between different communities, but also for the protection of the holy sites and their unhindered access to them.
They also note that humanitarian aid in conflict zones must be decoupled from political aspirations and focused on restoring peace, security, justice and human dignity. During the Conference, participants visited the Japanese Parliament on the afternoon of February 20, where they had the opportunity to brief the members of the competent Committee on Religions for more than two hours. It is recalled that the previous Conference was held in Tokyo, in September 2022. Photos: Religions for Peace
Source: Ecumenical Patriarchate