Mr. Felix Denegri Boza, the Ambassador of the Republic of Peru in Romania, was received by the Patriarchal Auxiliary Bishop Varlaam of Ploiești at the Romanian Patriarchate on December 13, 2023.
Several aspects of church life in Romania and concerns regarding the plight of the numerous Romanian Orthodox believers in various parts of the globe, including Latin America, were brought up during the meeting.
The Ambassador noted that his mandate in Romania represents his first diplomatic mission in a predominantly Orthodox country.
Additionally, the Ambassador conveyed his intention to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the Romanian Orthodox Church and its significance as a fundamental component of national and populace identity within Romanian society.
Bishop Varlaam of Ploiești highlighted several essential aspects in the history of the Romanian people, in which the role played by the Romanian Orthodox Church was vital, such as the Union of the Romanian Principalities in 1859 and the subsequent Great Union of 1918.
Furthermore, he emphasized the Church’s exceptionally significant contribution to fostering inter-Christian and inter-religious dialogue in Romania, which includes its initiative to establish the Consultative Council of Religious Denominations in Romania.
Photography courtesy of Lumina Newspaper