Patriarch Daniel of Romania sent an irenic letter to the leaders of Christian communities celebrating the Resurrection of the Lord on March 31, 2024.
Find below the message:
Bucharest, 31 March 2024
Your Holiness/Eminence,
Christ is Risen!
The Holy Feast of the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is our assurance that, even in the midst of death and suffering, God can offer eternal life and light to people. The Resurrection of Christ the Lord fills humanity and creation with meaning, showing to all of us that the purpose of our existence is light-filled life, peace and communion with God and our fellow human beings .
In these difficult times, marked by moral, economic and social crises, as well as by devastating military conflicts, whose tragic consequences affect the lives of many Christians, we are called by Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord, who conquered wickedness and violence, ”trampling down death by death”, to bring comfort and hope to all those in suffering and need.
Thus, we all become the hands of the merciful love of Jesus Christ, the Crucified and Risen Lord, showing to the lonely, the sick and the marginalized His sacrificial and saving care for all people.
We pray God that the Holy Feast of the Resurrection may bring you good health and abundant help in the pastoral activity you carry out.
With joy in Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord,
Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church
Photo credit: Arhiva / Raluca Ene