An event for the commemoration of the Fall of Constantinople was held on Friday, May 31, at the yard of the Holy Metropolis of Tamasos and Oreinis at Episkopeio.
Metropolitan Isaias of Tamasos and Oreinis held the unveiling of the statue of Konstaninos IA Palaiologos and there followed wreath laying.
After the end of the ceremony, Metropolitan Isaias inaugurated an outdoor exhibition of Byzantine and Cypriot history which includes, besides history, many photographs from monuments in Cyprus.
In his speech, the Metropolitan praised Konstantinos Palaiologos’ character and strength as the last emperor of the City of the Cities.
He also stressed that we must follow the strength and the power of Konstantinos Palaiologos and all the heroes of our Nation.
“We are Greeks and we must not forget this, especially those of us who live in semi-occupied Cyprus. The moral corrosion of our people is the worst enemy of our Nation and we, as Greek Orthodox Christians do not wish to be the last generation of Greeks on this island. We are and we shall remain Greeks”, concluded Metropolitan Isaias of Tamasos.