Metropolitan Damaskinos of Kydonia visited today the areas of the Metropolis that suffered damages from flooding, witnessing himself the extent of the disaster.
In particular, today he visited Hliaro, Skordalo, Karano, Sebrona, Prasse, New Roumata, Lacous and Omalo areas.
The previous days he visited the areas of Platania and Αlikianou Municipality..
The Metropolitan talked to the affected people and encouraged them to endure the difficult times they go through.
Moreover, as soon as the disaster started, Metropolitan Damaskinos called for a meeting so as to take immediate and effective action to support the families suffering the consequences of the disastrous flooding. The meeting was attended by Protosyncellus Archimandrite Damaskinios Lionakis, General Archieratic Commissioner Protosyncelus Georgios Perrakis, the delegate of Platanias Municipality Mr. Polyhronis Simandirakis and the President of the Vicar Union, Protosyncelus Antonios Sapounakis.
Already these days the hostels of the Parish of St. Nectarios, at Chania, shelter people whose houses are severely damaged.