The year that just ended was full of interesting, important ecclesiastical and non-ecclesiastical news.
The agreement to establish thousands of clergymen – under the seal of Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens – is perhaps one of the biggest news of the past year for the Church of Greece.
The fullness of time came and the safeguarding of the organic positions of the clergy puts an end to the insecurity of thousands of priests and their Metropolitans.
Also, in 2022, new Metropolitans were elected, in Aitoloakarnania, Drama, Gortynia, and Ilia, who after their election by the Hierarchy, returned to their Metropolises with vision and expectations.
In 2022 it was marked by the passing away of Archbishop Chrysostomos of Cyprus, and the election of the new Head of the Church of Cyprus, Georgios, until recently Metropolitan of Paphos.
The scenarios and the background for the election of the new Archbishop will be remembered for many years by those who participated or watched the process closely.
In 2022, Europe and the world, as well as Orthodoxy, were shocked by the violent war caused in Ukraine by the invasion of Russian forces.
The war between two Christian Orthodox states could not leave the Church unscathed. The Church of Russia, and especially the Patriarch of Moscow, took a position from the outset in line with that of the Russian political leadership.
The Ukrainian Church, which belongs to the Patriarchate of Moscow, tried to separate its position.
It announced that it is now “independent” from Moscow and that the clergy stopped commemorating Patriarch Kirill.
The Orthodox Times closely followed and covered all the important events that ecclesiastically marked 2022.
With a calm approach and an objective view, it is now the first international ecclesiastical information portal in the field of Orthodoxy.
The management and staff of the Orthodox Times are committed to the identification of the public and they will continue to give their best, to present the news about Orthodoxy -and anything that has an impact on the Orthodox Church- with validity, objectivity, and “clear” eyes.
Happy New Year to all, may 2023 be blessed and bright.
Efi Efthimiou
Orthodox Times