We all remember the case of the former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Antonis Diamataris, who was responsible for the Greek diaspora and was proud of his master’s degree in business administration from Columbia University, which he never actually had.
When he was removed from office by the Prime Minister, some months later, he appeared proudly before him with a… frame with his degree, which was so big and that way he seeked to prove that he received his degree! Alas! Should the frame for his degree was bought a long time ago, he would not have been removed from his ministerial position.
Mr. Diamataris, editor of the once powerful and unfortunately heavily declining newspaper of the Greek Diaspora “Ethnikos Kirikas”, which is going through a crisis, has been more and more been discredited by the Greek diaspora in the USA.
I remembered him while I was reading his… extensive article titled “Elpidophoros, you are not Iakovos”. I searched to find out what Mr. Diamataris meant and searched for his articles on late Iakovos. I stumbled upon the best article he wrote in August 1995.
“Archbishop Iakovos,” wrote Mr. Diamataris, “has as series of personal complexes from which if he managed to get rid – but obviously did not succeed to do so – he could offer substantial and valuable work to the Greek diaspora and the Church of America.”
“The tenure of Iakovos,” continued Mr. Diamataris, “is a huge tragedy, a potential that remained unfulfilled.” Mr. Diamataris did not only critisize Iakovos but also Spyridon and Dimitrios and now Elpidophoros.
One day he glorifies them and the next day he crucifies them. He blows hot, he blows cold, our Greek diaspora is confused.
And now that they will be given the right to vote, there is no longer room for such …confusions!
Παρουσίασα σήμερα στον Πρωθυπουργό @kmitsotakis αντίγραφο του πτυχίου μου – MBA – από το Columbia. Τον ευχαριστώ θερμά γιατί έτσι συμβάλλει ουσιαστικά στην αποκατάσταση της αλήθειας και στην διόρθωση της αδικίας που έγινε σε βάρος μου. Στο τέλος, ναι, η δικαιοσύνη βασιλεύει. pic.twitter.com/3qqrFMZrlb
— Αντώνης Η. Διαματάρης (@AHDiamataris) November 21, 2022
A lot has been happening lately with the historic orphanage of Prinkipos and its restoration.
It is the largest and tallest wooden building in Europe, something like this does not exist elsewhere. If the Turkish government was at least serious enough, it would have supported with all its might the effort made by the Ecumenical Patriarch and the Greeks of Constantinople.
Let’s create the conditions for those who want to help restore the historic orphanage to come from abroad. But who should become more sensitive about the matter? When the government of Erdogan did not give permission for the Sumela Monastery to operate, would it actually care about the orphanage?
No matter how hard the Ecumenical Patriarch’s associate, Lakis Vigas, makes efforts about the matter, like and dozens of Constantinopolitans, these efforts are obviously a drop in the ocean.
Even the President of the Hellenic Republic, Katerina Sakellaropoulou, contacted the Ecumenical Patriarch and they were trying to figure out how the Greek state could contribute to the restoration.
The other … great powers made promises that they would contribute to the restoration of the orphanage, but this is clearly some kind of a joke, according to ecclesiastical circles.
From the column of Greek edition orthodoxtimes.gr, Melchizedek