Why do we light candles in the church? How many candles should we light? What color is the candle and why? What is the candle we light inside the church? What does the candle we light in the church symbolize? What color is the candle and why? Do we light a candle for our health?
The candle that we light in the church has dark color and symbolizes ourselves. It is our reflection and it has dark color because of our sins.
When we enter the church we ask God to unite with Him, who is the Light, in order to become light too. We light the candle with the fire from the candle at the candelabra, which symbolizes Jesus Christ. In this way, we become enlightened. Christ who is the Light unites with us with the light of the candle and enlighten our minds and hearts, so that we may leave darkness and sin and become enlightened.
The symbolism of the candle is hidden in the unity of human being and Christ in the church. What the candle symbolizes when we light it, which is united with the light from the candle, this becomes a reality at the time of Holy Communion. We are united with Jesus Christ (Body and Blood of Christ) who is the Light and the human being becomes enlightened.