One has to make sure to keep company or at least to talk frequently with people who have spiritual knowledge.
Saint Markos the Ascetic
We fall in great sins, because we did not take care as much as necessary to cut our smaller flaws.
Agios Ioannis Chrysostomos
If we do not want to be rude to one person, what will we do there, in the Future Day of Judgment, in front of a myriad of people?
Agios Ioannis Chrysostomos
Even if you have ascended all the steps of virtues, you should keep on praying for the remission of your sins.
Agios Ioannis Sinaitis
You should not ask for a spiritual master who will tolerant of your passions, because that spiritual master will lead you to a spiritual pitfall.
Saint Basil the Great
If you want to have God by your side, you should not want to sin. If you sin, how will you be close to God?
Agios Ioannis Damaskinos
The more peope appraoch God, the more they approach each other. The more they approach each other, the more they approach God.
Abba Dorotheos
All those things deemed to be easy and tolerable can become diffuclt to achieve if we are lazy and indolent.
Agios Ioannis Chrysostomos
The cognitive never remembers. He does not hate anyone, even if the other is worthy to be hated for one’s attitude.
Clement of Alexandria
Intemperance was the cause of the first act of disobidience of mankind. On the contrary, all saints were distinguished for their temperance.
Saint Basil the Great
Unless we constantly remember the teaching bloomed in our soul, we will blow everything sky-high.
Agios Ioannis Chrysostomos
Love for the enemies is only possible through the Grace of the Holy Spirit.
Saint Silouan the Athonite
The change does not depend on Him who sowed, but on those who did not want to change.
Agios Ioannis Chrysostomos
When you see that one may earn unjustly a fortune and prosper, you should be sad and cry. For this wealth is a punishment.
Agios Ioannis Chrysostomos
God allows, according to His Divine Providence, each one to go through trials and various sorrows in order to reveal those who love us.
Saint Ephraim the Syrian
God is grateful when a person who has injured another person will not be penalized to a similar degree.
Agios Ioannis Chrysostomos
Greed is tyranny, greed is oppressing, lies lie in pride, trust in others is lost, truth is abandoned.
Agios Ioannis Chrysostomos
Many times diseases are the punishments for our sins. They happen in order that we return to the right path.
Saint Basil the Great
*The article was originally published in Greek in