With the Blessings of Archbishop Makarios of Australia, Bishop Bartholomew of Charioupolis conducted an Agiasmos service for all University students for the commencement of the academic year of 2023 at the Cathedral of the Annunciation of Our Lady, Redfern, Sydney.
Present at the service were the various university chaplains of N.S.W, Father Athanasios Giatsios representing The University of NSW, Father Gerasimos Koutsouras representing The University of Sydney, Asterios Zouriakas representing The University of Technology, Sydney, and Father Timothy Timothy Klintsaris representing Macquarie University.
Bishop Bartholomew welcomed all students to the Cathedral and spoke about the importance of not only focusing on their academic pursuits but also focusing on prayer, and their relationship with Christ and His Church.
Bishop Bartholomew wished on behalf of Archbishop Makarios, abundant blessings for 2023 and also thanked on behalf of the Archbishop the clergy present for undertaking the sacred task of ministering in our various universities of Sydney.