Patriarch John X of Antioch and All the East of the Greek Orthodox Church called to hurry in forming a Lebanese government. The Patriarch’s words came as part of the Sunday homily during the Divine Liturgy that was held in the Monastery of Our Lady of Balamand. The Patriarch addressed his greetings for the new year, expressing wishes for the common good, peace, and quietude.
Touching on public issues, Patriarch John said:
“On this blessed day, we call upon the Lebanese officials to work in favor of this tormented people, overwhelmed by the dire crisis, a phenomenon unprecedented in Lebanon since the First World War. We prompt them to form a rescue government that will pull the country and people out of the deep crisis that is turning into a tragedy. It is unacceptable to continue denying responsibilities as the country collapses, people starve, the foundations of a decent life fall apart and hope for a reform diminishes.
He pointed to the increasing unemployment rate, the deficit of private companies and institutions, and all other difficulties that people face, including their inability to pay dues.
Touching upon ecclesiastical matters, Patriarch John added:
“Facing the clamor that occurs and prevails in the aftermath of every church event, we remind you that the Orthodox Church is going through a delicate stage in the world today. Intensified prayer and work are required to preserve the unity commanded by the Lord. This requires that all those dealing with church affairs stay away from quarrels. As for the faithful Christians, they cannot be drawn to the fictitious accounts that aim to weaken confidence in the Church and to spread dissension among the faithful for well-known purposes. Here, it must be emphasized that the Antiochian Church has not compromised and will never compromise over the truth. She will remain a prophetic voice that bears the issues of our countries, of our people, and this Levant. We have never neglected them and will never do. As for ecclesiastical matters, we always deal with them within the Church, with a frame of mind of the Church, based on the teachings of the Holy Gospel, the Holy Tradition, and Church Canons. These are the sole starting point and reference for the faithful.”
After the Divine Liturgy, Patriarch John received the faithful who attended at the Monastery lounge.
Source: Patriarchate of Antioch
عظة البطريرك يوحنا العاشر في البلمند 12 كانون الثاني 2020
يوحنا العاشر من البلمند:"لتشكيل حكومة إنقاذ تنتشل الوطن وأبناءه من عمق الأزمة"١٢ كانون الثاني ٢٠٢٠(English &French translations below)دعا البطريرك يوحنا العاشر، بطريرك أنطاكية وسائر المشرق للروم الأرثوذكس، إلى تشكيل الحكومة عاجلاً في لبنان. كلام البطريرك جاء خلال عظة قداس الأحد الذي أقامه في دير سيدة البلمند. وتوجه البطريرك بالمعايدة في مطلع السنة الجديدة راجياً أن تحمل للجميع الخير العام والسلام وراحة البال. وتطرق غبطته إلى الشأن العام ومما جاء في كلامه:"نناشد في هذا اليوم المبارك المسؤولين في لبنان، أن يضعوا نصب أعينهم صالح هذا الشعب المعذب الذي يرزح تحت وطأة أزمة معيشية لم يعرف لبنان لها مثيلاً منذ الحرب العالمية الأولى، وأن يسارعوا إلى تشكيل حكومة إنقاذ تنتشل الوطن وأبناءه من عمق الأزمة التي صارت تلامس حد المأساة. فمن غير المقبول أن يستمر تقاذف المسؤوليات فيما الوطن ينهار، والناس تجوع، ومقومات الحياة الكريمة تتهاوى والأمل بالإصلاح يتضاءل".وأشار إلى تزايد نسبة البطالة وعجز الشركات والمؤسسات الخاصة وسائر الصعوبات التي تعترض الناس بما في ذلك عجزها عن تسديد المستحقات.وفي الشأن الكنسي العام أضاف غبطته:"أمام هذا الضجيج الذي يحصل أحيانًا ويسود غداة كل حدث كنسي، نذكّر أن الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية في العالم اليوم تمر بمرحلة دقيقة تستوجب منا جميعًا تكثيف الصلاة والعمل من أجل الحفاظ على الوحدة التي أوصانا بها السيد. وهذا يتطلب من جميع الذين يتعاطون شؤون الكنيسة الابتعاد عن تأجيج الخلافات ومن الشعب المؤمن عدم الانجرار وراء تصديق الروايات المختلقة التي لا تهدف إلا إلى إضعاف الثقة بالكنيسة وشرذمة المؤمنين لغايات صارت معروفة. وهنا لا بد من التأكيد أن الكنيسة الأنطاكية لم ولن تساوم على الحق وستبقى صوتًا نبويًا حاملة لقضايا بلادنا وشعوبها وقضايا هذا الشرق ولم ولن تفرط بها. أما القضايا الكنسية فنحن نعالجها دومًا داخل الكنيسة وبمنطق كنسي يستند إلى تعاليم الإنجيل المقدس والتقليد الشريف والقوانين الكنسية التي هي منطلق ومرجع المؤمنين الوحيد".وبعد القداس استقبل غبطته المشاركين في القداس في صالون الدير.#يوحنا_العاشرJohn X, From BalamandCalling to form a rescue government that would to pull the country and the people out of the crisis.January 12, 2020His Beatitude John X, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East of the Greek Orthodox Church, called to hurry in forming a Lebanese government. His Beatitude’s words came as part of the Sunday homily during the Divine Liturgy that was held in the Monastery of Our Lady of Balamand. The Patriarch addressed his greetings for the new year, expressing wishes for the common good, peace, and quietude.Touching on public issues, His Beatitude said:"On this blessed day, we call upon the Lebanese officials to work in favor of this tormented people, overwhelmed by the dire crisis, a phenomenon unprecedented in Lebanon since the First World War. We prompt them to form a rescue government that will pull the country and people out of the deep crisis that is turning into a tragedy. It is unacceptable to continue denying responsibilities as the country collapses, people starve, the foundations of a decent life fall apart and hope for a reform diminishes.He pointed to the increasing unemployment rate, the deficit of private companies and institutions, and all other difficulties that people face, including their inability to pay dues.Touching upon ecclesiastical matters, His Beatitude added:"Facing the clamor that occurs and prevails in the aftermath of every church event, we remind you that the Orthodox Church is going through a delicate stage in the world today. Intensified prayer and work are required to preserve the unity commanded by the Lord. This requires that all those dealing with church affairs stay away from quarrels. As for the faithful Christians, they cannot be drawn to the fictitious accounts that aim to weaken confidence in the Church and to spread dissension among the faithful for well-known purposes. Here, it must be emphasized that the Antiochian Church has not compromised and will never compromise over the truth. She will remain a prophetic voice that bears the issues of our countries, of our people, and this Levant. We have never neglected them and will never do. As for ecclesiastical matters, we always deal with them within the Church, with a frame of mind of the Church, based on the teachings of the Holy Gospel, the Holy Tradition, and Church Canons. These are the sole starting point and reference for the faithful. "After the Divine Liturgy, His Beatitude received the faithful who attended at the Monastery lounge.# John XJean X au BalamandAppel à la formation d’un gouvernement de sauvetage capable de sortir le pays et le peuple de la crise12 janvier 2020Sa Béatitude Jean X, Patriarche grecque orthodoxe d'Antioche et de tout l'Orient a lancé un appel à former promptement un gouvernement libanais. Les paroles de Sa Béatitude furent prononcées pendant l'homélie dominicale, lors de la Divine Liturgie célébrée au Monastère de Notre-Dame de Balamand. Le Patriarche a adressé ses vœux pour la nouvelle année, souhaitant le bien commun, la paix et la tranquillité.Abordant les questions publiques, Sa Béatitude a déclaré :« En ce jour béni, nous appelons les autorités libanaises à agir en faveur de ce peuple tourmenté, écrasé par cette crise dramatique, un phénomène sans précédent au Liban depuis la Première Guerre mondiale. Nous invitons les autorités à former un gouvernement de sauvetage qui sortirait le pays et les gens de la crise profonde qui se transforme en tragédie. Il est inacceptable de continuer à dénier ses responsabilités alors que le pays s'effondre, les gens meurent de faim, les bases même d'une vie décente se perdent et l'espoir d'une réforme se perd.Le Patriarche a souligné l'augmentation du taux de chômage, le déficit des entreprises et institutions privées et toutes les autres difficultés auxquelles les gens sont confrontés, y compris leur incapacité à payer leurs dus.Abordant les questions ecclésiastiques, Sa Béatitude a ajouté :"Face à la clameur qui se produit et prévaut suite à chaque événement dans l'église, nous vous rappelons que l'Église orthodoxe traverse une étape délicate dans le monde aujourd'hui. Il est nécessaire d’intensifier la prière et le travail pour préserver l'unité recommandée par le Seigneur. Cela exige que tous ceux qui s'occupent des affaires de l'Église restent à l'écart des querelles. Quant aux fidèles, ils ne doivent pas être se fier fictions qui visent à affaiblir la confiance dans l'Église et à répandre la dissension parmi les fidèles pour des fins désormais bien connues. Soulignons que l'Église d’Antioche n'a pas fait et ne fera jamais des compromis sur la vérité. Elle restera une voix prophétique qui porte les problèmes de nos pays, de notre peuple et de ce Levant. Nous ne les avons jamais négligés et ne le ferons jamais. Quant aux questions ecclésiastiques, nous les traitons toujours au sein de l'Église, dans l’esprit de l'Église, fondé sur les enseignements du Saint Évangile, de la Sainte Tradition et des Canons de l'Église, qui forment le seul point de départ et la seule référence pour les fidèles. "Après la Divine Liturgie, Sa Béatitude a reçu les fidèles au salon du Monastère.# Jean X
Gepostet von Antioch Patriarchate am Sonntag, 12. Januar 2020