Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta, who was representing Archbishop Makarios of Australia, officiated over the festive divine services on the occasion of the Feast Day of Saints Methodius and Cyril at the celebrating Church in the suburb of Preston in Melbourne.
On the eve of the feast day, the Festive Vespers were held, officiated by Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta, along with the participation of many clergy from the Archdiocesan District of Northcote and more widely from the State of Victoria. Andreas Andrianopoulos, who is a great donor to the Parish, was present, among others.
On the main day of the feast, the Festive Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was celebrated, in the presence of a large congregation and the Consul General of Greece in Melbourne, Emmanuel Kakavelakis.
Bishop Evmenios, addressing the faithful and the Parish Priest, Fr. Vasilios Kourtesis, conveyed to them the wishes of Archbishop Makarios of Australia. Then, he referred to the persons of the honored Saints and their work, noting, among other things, the following: “They are called equal to the apostles because they took Orthodoxy to foreign places and did not force people to learn the Greek language, but they sacrificed themselves to translate the Holy Bible, other texts and the Divine Liturgy into the language of the local people.
This shows great love. Orthodoxy is for the whole world, not only for the Greeks, and especially we who live on the fifth continent should become like these two Saints. Let us do everything to find ways in this multicultural society to transmit Christ to everyone, without discrimination and boundaries”.
At the end of the Divine Liturgy, Bishop Evmenios conducted a Trisagion memorial service for the repose of the blessed Archimandrite Methodios Livanos, who was Proistamenos of the Holy Church of Saints Methodius and Cyril for over 35 years.