I must accuse myself, blame myself, judge myself
When I see other people’s sins, I must remind myself that I don’t know whether they have made peace with God.
I don’t know if the person who has sinned regrets it, but I must always remember that I am not called to judge them, but only to forgive them.
As I become more aware of my own sins, and begin to realize how much forgiveness and mercy I need, I am less likely to see the sins of others.
If I find myself judging others, I must simply turn it around, and judge only myself.
Every Orthodox Christian should struggle to truly forgive others, and turn our gaze away from our neighbors sin, and focus only on our own need for change.
I must accuse myself, blame myself, judge myself, and get my focus off the other person. The only way I can overcome the sin of judging others, is to see only my sins.
True repentance comes only when I work on my own fallen nature.
With love in Christ,
Abbot Tryphon