The Orthodox Church commemorates today, February 29, Venerable John Cassian the Roman. If it is not a leap year, it commemorates Venerable John Cassian on February, 28.
Venerable John Cassian was born in Rome. His pious and illustrious parents gave him an excellent education and instilled in him the Christian faith. He studied philosophy and astronomy, while he loved reading the texts written by the Spiritual Fathers of the Church and the Bible in particular.
He followed a monastic path throughout his life. When he became a monk, he visited the monasteries of Egypt, Thebes, Nitria, Asia, and Cappadocia. In addition, there are two written texts of Venerable John Cassian in the first volume of “Philocalia” concerning the purity of his life and his orthodox faith. Finally, he fell asleep in the Lord peacefully.
Source: Church of Cyprus