by Bishop Gregory of Mesaoria
Today our Church commemorates Apostle Matthias. We also celebrate the Martyrs Alexios, Demetrius, Jacob, Julian, Ioannis, and Leontios, who remained steadfast in their faith, as is the case today with many Christian heroes around the globe.
Apostle Matthias is the twelfth Apostle, who was chosen by the eleven Apostles by lot between two persons and took the place of Judas Iscariot, who from disciple became a traitor.
The canonical New Testament says nothing else about Apostle Matthias. He probably belonged originally to the wider circle of the 70 Apostles. An ancient ecclesiastical tradition states that he first preached in Judea and then went to Ethiopia, where he completed his missionary work with a martyred, crucified death by idolaters. Another historical tradition reports that he was killed in Sevastopol, and another that he received the martyr’s wreath in Jerusalem.
The Apostles and Witnesses of the Faith preach for us all in the throne of the Triune God along with our Virgin Mary.
A hymn of the Paracletic Canon highlights this experience between the faithful and Virgin Mary.
Source: Church of Cyprus