With the Blessings of Archbishop Makarios of Australia, Bishop Bartholomew of Charioupolis, the Archiepiscopal Vicar of Canberra, visited Tasmania and conducted a memorial service at the church of Holy Trinity in Hobart for the dearly beloved brethren who lost their lives in the invasion of Cyprus in 1974.
Present at the service was Mrs. Martha Mavromatis, the High Commissioner of Cyprus in Australia.
Bishop Bartholomew welcomed Mrs. Mavromatis on behalf of the Archbishop of Australia and spoke about the importance of reflecting on the tragic events of 1974, as well as praying for the dearly departed.
In addition, the Bishop of Charioupolis mentioned that “Although there are not many Cypriots in Tasmania, we must hold Cyprus close to our hearts, because we are all Greek and we are united by our common Christian faith”.
Afterwards, a luncheon was provided in honour of Bishop Bartholomew and the High Commissioner in the church hall.