A joint pastoral letter from Metropolitan Epiphaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine and Archbishop Leo of Helsinki and Finland was sent to the Ukrainian Orthodox living in Finland.
In the letter, the primates refer to the people of Ukraine and the hardships of the war noting that “As the Primates of our Churches, we pray fervently for just and lasting peace in Ukraine. In our prayers, we especially remember those who have remained in their homeland in moments of distress, those who are defending the freedom of their country, their people, the dignity of life, and the future of their children and grandchildren. These brave and self-sacrificing individuals — men and women, young and old — are an example to all. Today, Ukraine, like Rachel in the Bible, mourns her children who are no longer present (Jer. 31:15; Matt. 2:18): the dead, the imprisoned, the forcibly displaced, the missing, and the millions who have had to leave their homeland and seek refuge in the diaspora”.
To the displaced due to the war Ukrainians that found refuge in Finland the two Primates say “Therefore, turn with confidence to the Orthodox Church of Finland. As an Autonomous Church within the Ecumenical Patriarchate, it always wants to be close to you, like a mother — praying to the Lord and serving with mercy. As the Primates of our Churches, we invite everyone to seek spiritual refuge in its communities, demonstrating that the richness of Orthodoxy lies in its diversity and beauty beyond language and cultural boundaries. We assure you that dozens of churches and chapels in various towns and villages throughout Finland are open to you. They want to welcome and embrace you, so that everyone may feel that the Church does not leave you and never forsakes you.”
Read below the joint pastoral letter: