“Turkey insists on provoking, questioning in words and actions, the territorial integrity and sovereign rights of Greece and Cyprus,” Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias said on Wednesday in a statement to the website iEidiseis adding that “Turkey’s delinquent behaviour is against the European Union to which, according to the Turkish government, still wishes to be part of.”
“I hope that Turkey will soon accept the modern reality dictated by the International Law and will understand that its illegal acts are pushing it away and exclude it from beneficial collaborations that are carried out in our region,” said Dendias. “Cooperation that produces stability and prosperity,” he stressed.
As he said, “geography has ‘condemned’ Turkey and Greece to co-exist in the common neighbourhood of the eastern Mediterranean.”
Greece, said Dendias, “is a peaceful country and with a stable foreign policy without revisionism trends and would wish to be neighbour with prospering countries that are sharing the same European and human values in its international relations.”
He also said that both countries “could become a model of peaceful co-existence of two different cultural traditions acting as pioneers in the historically troubled area” but an imperative condition for this is the respect for the International Law and to the principles of good neighbourliness.
Source: ANA-MPA