The Ecumenical Patriarch attended an official dinner given by MP Annely Akkerman at the parliament building, on Wednesday afternoon, the 13th of September 2023.
The Greek ambassador in Estonia Georgios Papadopoulos gave a dinner in honour of the Ecumenical Patriarch last night. Metropolitan Stephanos of Tallinn and all Estonia and the members of the patriarchal entourage attended the dinner as well as ambassadors of other countries in Estonia and high-profile figures.
It is recalled that Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew also met the president of Riigikogu (the parliament of Estonia), Lauri Hussar, at the Parliament building today.
In addition, in the morning, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew presided over the Doxology that was celebrated to mark the centenary of the autonomy of the Church of Estonia at the Holy Cathedral of Saints Simeon and Anne in Tallinn.