Saint Ioannis Chrysostomos
When I tell you to fast, you often use the excuse of body illness.
When I tell you to give alms to the poor, you tell me that you are poor, do not have money, and you have to feed your children.
When I tell you to come more often to the church, you tell me that you do not have time.
If I tell you to pay more attention on what is said in the Church and to understand the Divine Word, you tell me that you are not educated.
If I tell you to cheer up your brother, you tell me that he does not listen to you when you advise him, since you have tried so many times and he despised you.
Of course, these excuses, and all these are words ultimately convince no one. Even thought you know it deep down your heart, you keep on pretending.
But if I tell you to defuse the situation and forgive your brother, which of these excuses are useful?
I think that you can not use the excuse of body illness, nor poverty, nor ignorance, nor engagement, nor anything else.
For this sin, which is the greatest, no one will ever forgive you. After all of these things, how dare you to pray to God? How dare you to open your mouth to ask Him for forgiveness? How will you dare to ask for forgiveness? Even if God wants to forgive you for your sins, you do not allow Him since you do not forgive the sins of your brother.
For if you yourself take revenge and attack him, either verbally or with similar attacks or curses, God will no longer intervene, since you yourself deal with punishing Him.
Not only will he not intervene, he will also ask why you have been abusive towards Him.
*The article was originally published in Greek in