In the context of its cultural activities and the publication of the book The colors of Constantinople, which is dedicated to the non-Muslim communities living in Constantinople, the Consulate General of Greece in Constantinople held an online presentation, which is a summary of three sections of the book, the course of the Greeks, the Jews and the Armenians as reported by
The narration of the interesting journey of the members of these three communities who left their indelible marks and shaped the identity and the diversity of Constantinople by the contributors of the respective sections of the book:
– Aris Tsokonas, teacher at Zografio High School, translator of ancient Greek literature and modern Greek literature into Turkish;
– Ivo Molinas, journalist and editor-in-chief of the Jewish newspaper Şalom and
– Püzant Akbaş, scholar of Armenian literature and language and second-hand bookseller.
The presentation is prefaced by Georgina Sultanopoulou, Consul General of Greece in Constantinople.