By Mladen Aleksic
On 22nd March in the chapel in Gracanica (Kosovo and Metohija), bishop Teodosije of Raska-Prizren of the Serbian Orthodox Church, served the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts, as it was announced on the official Twitter account of the Diocese Raska-Prizren. This is his first Liturgy after his recovery of Covid19.
As we reported earlier, bishop Teodosije who tested positive for the coronavirus is being treated at Dragisa Misovic Hospital in Belgrade.
After that, OrthodoxTimes was informed (9th March) by the Diocese of Raska-Prizren that his health condition has improved and that they expect him to leave the hospital soon.
Епископ рашкопризренски Теодосије данас је уз саслужење својих клирика служио у параклису св. Максима Исповедника у Грачаници Пређеосвећену Литургију поводом празника светих 40 севастијских мученика, познат у народу као “Младенци”.
— Рашкопризренска (@EparhijaKIM) March 22, 2021