On Sunday, 26 November 2023, with the blessing of Archbishop Makarios of Australia, Bishop Gregorios of Mesaoria, of the Church of Cyprus, visited the Church of Saint Euphemia, in the Sydney suburb of Bankstown, and officiated at the Matins and presided over the Divine Liturgy.
At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, Bishop Bartholomew of Charioupolis welcomed Bishop Gregorios of Mesaoria to the Parish and thanked him on behalf of the Archbishop for accepting His invitation to officiate at the Church of Saint Euphemia.
Bishop Bartholomew introduced Bishop Gregorios to the congregation stating that Bishop Gregorios was a close friend and colleague of the late Archbishop Chrysostom I of Cyprus, a polite, learned Hierarch, who respects the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I.
In addition, Bishop Bartholomew emphasized the love and respect Archbishop Makarios has for the newly elected Archbishop of Cyprus, Archbishop Georgios, and asked that he would convey the best wishes of the Archbishop, the Assistant Bishops, the Clergy, and Laity of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia to the spiritual leader of the church of Cyprus.
In closing, Bishop Bartholomew spoke about the importance of praying for our beloved Cyprus and that the Greeks of Australia have a special love in their hearts for the island.
In his reply, Bishop Gregorios thanked Bishop Bartholomew for his kind words and asked that he convey his gratitude to Archbishop Makarios of Australia.
Bishop Gregorios also thanked the Parish Priest of Saint Euphemia Church, Father Panagiotis Protopsaltis, for his love and dedication towards the Church.
After the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, a light brunch was offered in the adjacent hall providing an opportunity for the faithful to converse with Bishop Gregorios and again to obtain His blessing.