In the Holy Church of Saint Paraskevi in Nicosia, the Matins and the festal Archieratic Divine Liturgy were celebrated on the day of the feast of the Parthenomartyr Paraskevi, officiated by Archbishop Chrysostomos of Cyprus.
The Archbishop proclaimed the Word of God and praised the exemplary life of the Saint. “Our saint loved God and then man. Today is an opportunity for us all to imitate her. Her simplicity, her immense humility, her excessive love for God and people, the images of God, her warm faith. Only if we are humbled and we open our heart, we will be able to imitate her. And we will truly imitate her, by imitating her life, as long as we want to.
God, my brethren, has predestined us for His kingdom and not for loss, for which only the son of loss is destined. And Saint Paraskevi succeeded in being sanctified and exults in the Kingdom of God. Because she had the merit of holiness and humility, and she enjoyed fullness of life.”
Source: Church of Cyprus