New Frequently Asked Questions have been added to the GOA Charter website (, an interactive site dedicated to providing accurate, accessible, and up-to-date information regarding the proposed revisions to the GOA Charter. In the vein of the broad participation that has characterized the revision process, these FAQs reflect the questions, comments, and feedback shared by clergy and lay people through the site’s submission form. Individuals periodically receive emailed responses to their submissions from the GOA, as well.
In addition to submitting questions through the Charter website, faithful are also encouraged to meet with Archbishop Elpidophoros of America as discussion sessions on the Charter are scheduled across the country with both clergy and lay people.
Having completed initial discussions with clergy from each of the Metropolises and the Archdiocesan District on Friday, August 12, the Archbishop reiterated the importance of accounting for the input of all constituents in the Archdiocese:
“Our dialogue continues. Dialogue means not only talking, but also listening to the questions and concerns of our devoted clergy and laity across the country. Let us continue our open and frank discussions so that we may author a Charter that will reflect our Church in today’s rapidly changing world, while also being true to the Mother Church and our Holy Orthodox tradition,” Archbishop Elpidophoros said.
Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America