With the blessing of Archbishop Makarios of Australia, the Annual Sunday School Picnic for 2023 was held at Gough Whitlam Park in Earlwood, on Monday 2 October 2023.
Sunday School children from all Parishes of Sydney and Wollongong came together with their parents and families. The day began with a series of games and activities for each age group followed by a picnic lunch with their families and our Parish Priests.
Representing Archbishop Makarios was Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupolis who conveyed the paternal blessings and love of our Archbishop to the children, parents, and teachers. Bishop Iakovos addressed the children on the importance of Sunday School and to continue their love for Christ and His Church. At the end, He gave all the children a small icon of St. Paisios the Athonite, recently declared by Archbishop Makarios as the Patron Saint of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia.
The children then participated in mini-Olympics-styled activities with much enthusiasm. Different Sunday School Parishes teamed up to form alliances, with the team of the Parishes of ‘The Resurrection of our Lord’ Kogarah, ‘St Stylianos’ Gymea, and ‘Holy Cross’ Wollongong scoring the most points on the day to be crowned the Sunday School Picnic Champions for 2023.