With the Blessings of Archbishop Makarios of Australia, Bishop Bartholomew of Charioupolis celebrated Matins and the Divine Liturgy for the great feasts of the Circumcision of our Lord and St Basil the Great.
At the conclusion of the Liturgy, Bishop Bartholomew chanted the Doxology Service for the commencement of the new year as well as the Cutting of the Vasilopita.
Bishop Bartholomew conveyed the love, blessings, and respect of Archbishop Makarios of Australia and encouraged the congregation for this coming year to prayer more, to repent more, to love more, to forgive more, to show more compassion and mercy, to increase our worship, to participate in the holy sacraments of Confession and the Eucharist more, to read the scriptures more, in summary to obtain a better relationship with Christ.
Specifically, Bishop Bartholomew encouraged the faithful to pray for the peace of the world, in particular for Ukraine.
Moreover, to pray for our Ecumenical Patriarchate who continues to minister with love and dignity the Christian message to the world. Bishop Bartholomew then encouraged the faithful to pray for the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I who continues to be the beacon of light in the face of adversity.
Furthermore, to pray for our Primate and Shepherd, Archbishop Makarios of Australia who continues to inspire the local clergy and laity with his strong work ethic, his love and devotion to serve the church of Australia.
In addition, the Bishop once again announced the inaugural visit of Archbishop Makarios to the Parish on the feast day January 7, and encouraged everyone to attend, to receive the blessings of our Archbishop and have the opportunity to speak with him afterwards.