Never say it’s me. God is! You are nothing but believing in Christ. If you believe, everything will come in handy but don’t have pride.
Repent. Do not get between married couples, do not separate husband and wives!
Whoever is patient, joy to him, whoever is patient, like the sun will shine.
Be very patient.
Young people should keep in mind the all-powerful words of God.
The words of God are like roses in your heart.
Give to the poor. We? We are insatiable, foolish, blasphemous, greedy.
I will leave but you know greed will lose the world, greed, and pride.
God is waiting, waiting….
Eyes closed, mouth closed, ears closed to win. What do people do, what did you see, what do you know?
I did not see anything, I do not know, nothing I have.
I do not hear, I do not see.
To be covered, to be covered by God.
Above is the Father and he sees us. Pray that you and your children will be saved.
Let the words of God be like roses in the heart…
The fear of God makes man wise.
What is the fear of God? Not to fear God, but to be afraid not to upset the other, not to harm him, not to wrong him, not to blame him.
This is wisdom. After the others, in order to live, God enlightens you on what to do.
Seek to find the poor and go to help them. This is what God wants.
The Virgin Mary cries, she cries every day. She says to her Son: My Son and my God, give wisdom to the world, forgive the world.
Repent, my children, pray… Night and day… Wherever you walk, wherever you stand, always say “Christ, have mercy on me!”
The Virgin Mary told me how those that are in the Holy Books of the elect of my Son come in order to be done.
A third war will take place, three-quarters of humanity will be destroyed only a quarter will be saved…