Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece sent today a letter of support to Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana and All Albania.
The Archbishop of Athens expressed the warm wishes on behalf of the Holy Synod and wished him a speedy recovery.
Read the full letter of Archbishop Ieroynmos of Athens:
Your Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durres and all of Albania,
In the name of Jesus Christ and the Lord,
Our brother and co-celebrant with my humble self, may the Grace and Peace of God be with Your Beatitude.
It was with great emotion and agony that we were informed that You contracted the disease. I would like to express the brotherly wishes and support on behalf of the Church of Greece, the Holy Synod, and myself.
We pray wholeheartedly to the Lord, who is the physician of our souls and bodies, for a speedy recovery. We pray that our Saviour, who takes care of the diseases of His children, bestows on You many years, so as You to keep serving as an Archbishop, and to grant You all gifts in abundance.
With brotherly and the highest esteem,
† Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens