On this day today the Orthodox Church all around the world celebrates the feast day of St Makarios of Egypt, a most important 4th century saint of the Church whose entire life was one orientated towards Christ, the One who “came to offer life and not death”, striving to do His will in all things, and seeking to share his experience of the incomprehensible delight and blessedness of Christ with those around him.
In celebrating the feast day of that great ascetic saint of the desert, that ‘Lamp of the Desert’, our hearts and minds immediately turn in thanksgiving to our much revered and respected Chief Shepherd and Spiritual, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, whose patronal saint we celebrate today, hoping and praying that our loving Lord will continue to shed His all-radiant and all-embracing light and light as He leads the Body of Christ—the Church—here in the Antipodes to the safe harbours of God’s heavenly and eternal kingdom.
Indeed, we stand united in admiration of his tireless devotion to the Church, his visionary leadership, and his boundless love for his flock.
Under the wise and enlightened guidance of His Eminence, we have been blessed to witness a truly historic and transformative chapter in the life of the Church in this great land.
Most notably, this past year brought us the unparalleled joy of welcoming His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, who graced us with his presence to mark the 100th anniversary since the establishment of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia. This culminative event was not merely a commemoration but a profound testament to the enduring unity of our Church and its vibrant witness to Orthodoxy in the southern hemisphere.
Through His Eminence’s exceptional leadership, the visit of the Ecumenical Patriarch became a moment of spiritual renewal, cementing our bonds with the Mother Church of Constantinople and reminding us of our sacred mission as a community of faith.
Equally momentous has been the introduction of a new constitution for the Holy Archdiocese, a visionary initiative proposed by His Eminence and granted to us by the Ecumenical Patriarchate. This foundational document, rooted in proper ecclesiological principles, ensures that the governance of our Church rests on firm, canonical grounds as we journey into the second century of our sacred ministry in Australia.
His Eminence has set the Church on a path of order and vitality, creating a framework that upholds the integrity of our faith while embracing the dynamic challenges of our contemporary world.
Another profound achievement under his pastoral care in the past year has been the re-constitution of the districts of our Archdiocese into dioceses, each entrusted to the care of regional bishops (Chorepiskopoi). This pivotal restructuring not only reflects the richness and diversity of our Church across this vast continent but also ensures that every corner of our flock receives the pastoral attention and guidance it needs.
His Eminence’s foresight in strengthening the Church’s local presence guarantees that the message of the Gospel continues to resonate deeply in the hearts of all faithful, from bustling cities to the most remote regions of Australia.
Today’s Gospel reading recounted the healing of ten lepers by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In wanting to be healed, all ten lepers, we heard, cried out: “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us [Ἰησοῦ ἐπιστάτα, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς]!”, but only one—a Samaritan; that is to say, a foreigner and outsider, one who did not belong to the Jewish faith—one alone returned back to give thanks.
This led Jesus to ask: “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine?” The gratitude of the one Samaritan leper set him apart from the rest; his grateful predisposition completed his healing not only of the body but also of the soul, thus truly transforming his life and making him a radically new person.
Today, all around Australia and All-Oceania, we are being invited to recognise all the blessings we have received; to give thanks to God for all things, and to strive to live transformed lives as disciples of Christ.
The Gospel further invites us, today, to honour and support the work of all those who labour for the Gospel, such as our Archbishop and Spiritual Father. Let us always remember the following: united to our Archbishop, we are united to the Church.
United to the Church, we are united to Christ; united to Christ we are united to God our heavenly Father and to the Holy Spirit. And when we are united all together with Christ and one another, this is truly an experience of the joy of Paradise in the here and now!
As we celebrate this joyous occasion, we give thanks to God for blessing us with a leader of such wisdom, humility, and unwavering dedication. His Eminence Archbishop Makarios has been a shepherd who leads not only with profound theological insight but also with a heart attuned to the needs of his people.
His every endeavour, whether in safeguarding the unity of the Church, inspiring the clergy, or nurturing the laity, bears witness to his deep commitment to the service of Christ and His Holy Church.
On this most auspicious day, as we celebrate the name day of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios, the unanimous voice of the clergy across Australia rises in profound gratitude and unwavering support for his visionary leadership. With hearts imbued with love and devotion, we honour the tireless dedication of His Eminence to the spiritual, pastoral, and cultural flourishing of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia.
His wisdom, humility, and fervent commitment to Christ inspire us, his clergy, to labour alongside him in realising his luminous vision for the Church—a vision rooted in unity, faith, and the ever-abiding presence of the Holy Spirit.
Together, we pledge our prayers, our efforts, and our steadfast loyalty, rejoicing in the blessings of his guidance as he leads us into a future radiant with hope and grace.
May God grant His Eminence many years of health, strength, and wisdom as he continues to shepherd the flock entrusted to his care. May St Makarios, his heavenly patron, intercede for him always, granting him many fruitful years to labour for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.
And may our Holy Archdiocese, under his care, continue to flourish in unity and faith, becoming ever more a living icon of Christ’s love in this blessed land.
῎Άξιος! and Εἰς πολλὰ ἔτη, Δέσποτα!
From the Office of the Chancellor
19th January 2025