The Roman Catholic Church has concluded its world conference on the future of the Church at the Vatican, leaving the question of ordaining women to the office of deacon—one rank below priesthood—“open.”
“The question of ordaining women to the rank of deacon remains open. This distinction will persist,” states the final document, which Pope Francis approved after a month of discussions.
While affirming that “women and men have equal value as members of the people of God,” the 51-page document notes that “women still face obstacles to greater recognition” of their role within the Church.
As with priests, and unlike other denominations, the Roman Catholic Church permits only men to be ordained as deacons. Deacons are authorized to perform sacraments such as baptisms, weddings, and funerals, though they cannot preside over liturgies.
“There is no reason and no obstacle that would prevent women from exercising administrative roles in the Church,” the document states, though it does not detail these roles. The text also omits any mention of the ordination of women as priests, a topic that many dioceses across Europe and North America have requested be addressed.
As of October 2, a total of 368 participants — ranging from bishops to lay people, including a few dozen women — representing 100 countries gathered behind closed doors to discuss the Church’s future at the General Assembly of the Synod, initially convened in October 2023.
The final document contains 155 paragraphs, with the section on women being the most contested, receiving 97 votes against and 258 in favor.
The text also suggests reorganizing priestly training and encouraging greater lay involvement in church affairs, such as the selection of bishops. However, it makes no proposals regarding the Church’s stance toward LGBTQ+ believers.
The Synod serves as an advisory body, presenting its recommendations to the Pope, who ultimately decides on any doctrinal reforms. Yesterday, however, Pope Francis announced his immediate acceptance of its proposals.
“This document provides very concrete guidelines that can guide the mission of the Churches across different continents and contexts,” he stated at the close of the session this evening.
Source: ANA-MPA