On Sunday, January 22, 2023, Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria and All Africa attended the Divine Liturgy at the Church of St. Theodore of Tyrone in Rome.
Before the end of the Eucharistic Synaxis, Metropolitan Polycarp of Italy addressed the Patriarch, to whom he offered a historical depiction of the aforementioned Saint.
The Primate of the Alexandrian Church thanked the Metropolitan, in whose person he expressed both his loving feelings and love for the Ecumenical Patriarchate, as well as his condolences to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on the repatriation to the Lord of his beloved sister. Finally, the Patriarch offered a hierarchical encolpion to Metropolitan Polycarp, as well as pectoral crosses to the Hierarchical Head of the Church, Archimandrite Symeon Katsina, and to the representative of the Holy See, Monsignor Andrea Palmieri.
The Divine Liturgy was attended by the Metropolitans Georgios of Guinea, Gennadios of Botswana, Savvas of Pittsburgh and Panteleimon of Naucratis, the Ambassadors of Greece to Rome and others. Eleni Sourani and at the Holy See Aikaterini Georgiou and Aikaterini Sofianou, Lady of the Patriarchal Throne. At noon, Metropolitan Polycarp of Italy hosted a luncheon in honor of the Patriarch.
In the afternoon of the same day, a tour of the Patriarch and the members of his entourage took place at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.
Subsequently, in the adjacent Castle of Annani, an honorary event was held in honor of the Patriarch of Alexandria by the Academia Bonifaciana, during which he was awarded an award for the defense of panhuman ideals and the spread of the Christian faith. Followed by a formal dinner.